"There's no place like home for the holidays," right? For nomads, “home” can be wherever you are — and that’s the beauty of it! Whether you’re surrounded by loved ones, working on a passion project, or sharing meals with new friends, the holidays can feel just as meaningful no matter where you are.
Still, the season can stir up mixed emotions when you’re far from family and the traditions you grew up with. It’s normal to feel a twinge of loneliness or even guilt for not hopping on a plane back home. Maybe you’re planning a visit in the spring, or you’re simply not up for the stress of holiday travel this year—and that’s okay.
The beauty of being a nomad is the freedom to rewrite the rules. The holidays don’t have to follow a script. You can embrace the moment wherever you are, whether it’s by cooking dinner with strangers-turned-friends, discovering new traditions, or even spending the day solo, doing something that fills your cup.
One year, I found myself celebrating in a cave (yes, a literal cave!) in Artenara, Gran Canaria, Spain, with a group of newfound friends from all over the world.

Our Christmas Eve dinner at El Warung Cave Hostel was a patchwork of traditions and flavors. Ten of us spent the day dashing to local shops, prepping and chopping, and swapping stories about how we’d usually celebrate back home. We worked out a shared feast with blended Canadian maple-glazed carrots, local Spanish sheep’s cheese, and a Croatian yule log, among other delicious homemade treats. As the sun set over Roque Nublo, we played games, drank wine, and laughed like we’d known each other forever.
It wasn’t the Christmas I’d grown up with, or the type of experience we created for the family when the kids were small. But it was magical all the same, and timely, too. I needed a reminder that year that “home” is about connection, not location. Sadly, El Warung appears permanently closed now. Still, I'll never forget that incredible Christmas.
We asked a few nomad friends to share their plans for the holidays.
Cape Town Holiday Season Hangouts
One of our Nomadago co-founders, Victor, is in Cape Town, South Africa, for the holidays with friends new and old, including the Hacker Paradise crew.

Van Life Project + Pizza Parties = Maybe the Best Holiday Plan I've Ever Heard
"My holiday season is being spent with my cat, in an old factory in Porto, Portugal, renovating a bright yellow 1981 Mercedes van, into a camper.

I’ll go to a friend’s place for Christmas Eve and New Years (they often host a gathering for the holidays) and my Christmas Day is likely to be spent building cabinets for my van kitchen, eating pizza and listening to my favorite playlists, while I make plans for our adventure in the new year. There’s something about working on an important project and showing up to accomplish a goal that is making these holidays even more meaningful to me."
~ Beck Power | 📷 @thebeckpower
Holiday Coliving Adventures in Beautiful Pipa, Brazil
"I spent Thanksgiving in Pipa and will be spending up until Christmas Eve in Rio. In Pipa, I spent time with 19 other nomads at a beautiful, new and sustainable co-living called Mirante. It’s an emerging digital nomad hub on the coast of Brazil with great food, lively culture and beach views for miles—truly one of the most beautiful places with approximately 1,500 residents (and great WiFi).

During the holiday week, we did an open garden (a concept where each nomad came up with a unique icebreaker to take place at their chalet) so we could be introduced to each house / individual and then spent the remainder of the night taking time to connect with each other. This was one of the most unique experiences I’ve had as a nomad this far and it was such a fun way to connect right before the holiday.
Since none of us were with family / friends back home on Thanksgiving day, we had a private chef who cooked us a traditional Thanksgiving meal with Brazilian flare which really enhanced our experience to feel connective when we were all doing something a little less traditional. This for me is how I would prefer to spend the holiday because I made it my own and created new, unforgettable memories with incredible, open-minded people."
~ Nora Thomas | 📷 @norathomas
A Classic Canadian Christmas, Carols and All
Nomadago co-founder Danny is back in Victoria, British Columbia, visiting Canadian family for the holidays. I'm told there was caroling... pics or it didn't happen, Danny. I expect to see full 1800s carolling get-ups, too.
Wherever you find yourself this holiday season—whether it’s in a cozy coliving space, working on a passion project, or gathering with new friends—remember that “home” is about connection, not a single place. The beauty of being a nomad is the freedom to create your own traditions, discover new ones, and make memories that are uniquely yours.
At Nomadago, we’re here to support you through every step of your journey. We want you to stay safe, healthy, and fulfilled as you explore the world and embrace the nomad lifestyle. That’s why we’ve made it easier to connect with the people and places that matter most. Use the app to share your travel plans, get notified when friends are nearby, and discover a global community that feels like home—wherever you are.
This holiday season, let’s celebrate the joy of being exactly where we’re meant to be. Here’s to finding “home” wherever we go!
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